The Winter Cluster
We’ve updated the graphics for this awesome diagram of the winter cluster! Understanding the winter cluster and bee behavior/biology are key components to overwintering colony success.
The original diagram was created by CL Farrar & printed in 1944 (Farrar, CL (1944), “Productive Management of Honeybee Colonies in the Northern States”, USDA Circular No. 702). It was reprinted by Dadant in 1976 (Dadant, CP, ”First Lessons in Beekeeping”, Revised Edition, Dadant).
This infographic is free to download and distribute. Please keep copyright info with graphics. It may not be reproduced for sale.

Farrar, CL, (1944), “Productive Management of Honeybee Colonies in the Northern States”, USDA Circular No. 702

Dadant, CP, “First Lessons in Beekeeping”, Revised Edition, Dadant, 1976
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