Regular price: $150.00 each…. On sale for $145.00 each until 03/15/2025!
Please complete and submit the “Package Bees Purchase Agreement” form found under “Packages Purchase Agrmnt.” tab or on the checkout page. Your package bee order can not be processed without completing this purchase agreement.
Each 3lb. package contains roughly 9,000 – 10,000 young bees & an Italian mated, unmarked queen. Pick-up only; shipping not available. Estimated pick-up date is April 14, 2025. Please be aware this date could change due to weather or supplier inventory conditions.
Packages must be picked up within 2 days of pick-up date or package bees are forfeited & refunds/replacements not available. NO EXCEPTIONS! These are living creatures which must be installed/cared for ASAP!
Pre-payment is required to reserve your order.
We cannot accept payments over the phone.
Credit Card: We accept credit cards at our shop, online orders, or we can email you an invoice to pay online.