Package Bees Purchase Agreement/Terms and Conditions

Eversweet Apiaries does not guarantee anything regarding the quality of the package bees or their queens. Eversweet Apiaries does not guarantee if the queen is alive or present within the package.

Refunds and replacements can not be given for dead bees/queens or queens not in package(s). We allow customers to pick the packages that look best to them.

Eversweet Apiaries does not guarantee the longevity or productivity of the package bees or queens. No refunds or replacements are available upon pickup, installation, or after installation.

Packages need to be picked up promptly on the delivery date and installed as soon as possible to prevent bee death. If you do not pick-up your package(s) on the delivery date, you forfeit your package and cannot receive a refund or replacement.

Upon package bee pickup, a form of ID (preferably driver’s license) and/or order receipt need to be presented to verify your identification.

Eversweet Apiaries is a third party seller for packages. Eversweet Apiaries is not responsible for transportation of the bees from the supplier (1st party) and in the event of an accident causing bee death or loss, Eversweet Apiaries will not refund the cost or provide replacement of the package(s).

All sales are final. Refunds and replacements are not available and will not be given under any circumstance. Returns are not accepted. Purchase at your own risk.

By purchasing, you consent to the above terms and conditions.

Due to packages requiring more maintenance & beekeeping knowledge sometimes, we do not recommend packages to beginner beekeepers. Please review Eversweet’s chapter “Which is Better…Nucs or Packages” in our free “2022 Beekeeping Guide” for more info regarding nucs and packages: