
Having a hard time finding a bee mentor? Unsure of your colony’s health? Need a second opinion? Eversweet is happy to help! Receive one-on-one, individualized beekeeping training! Contact us to discuss your needs and to arrange a time to visit our apiary or yours.

Consultation – Your Apiary
Beekeeping can be confusing. Let professional beekeeper and owner of Eversweet, Jennifer King, ensure your colony is on track and healthy!
Eversweet takes hive diseases and cross-contamination extremely seriously. Before visiting your apiary, our protective gear and tools are cleaned to prevent the spreading of potential viruses/diseases to your apiary.
Your ApiaryEducation/Training on site at Eversweet
Wondering what it’s like to go into a hive or beekeeping is for you? Need more bee inspection knowledge and training? Visit Eversweet’s apiary to gain vital colony health experience.
On site at EversweetHive inspections are weather dependent and seasonal. Indoor/off-season education is available. Contact us for details.