Eversweet Apiaries
It’s February….Keep an eye on your hives!

It’s February….Keep an eye on your hives!

Group of dead bees, isolated on white

Modern Beekeeping – A Definition of Insanity

snow hives

January-February Beekeeping Tasks

The Winter Cluster

The Winter Cluster

snow hives

December Beekeeping Tasks

October – November Beekeeping Tasks

October – November Beekeeping Tasks

September Tasks

September Tasks

Jul.-Aug. Beekeeping Tasks

Jul.-Aug. Beekeeping Tasks

April Beekeeping Tasks

Making Queens from Overwintered Colonies in Early Spring

Meet Eversweet

Herb & Ed

Meet Eversweet

Eversweet Apiaries was formed in 2002, by the handshake of friends Herb Everhart and Edward Burwell. It started out as a hobby for producing honey and to help increase the number of bees in the local area.

Eversweet has undergone a few transitions throughout the years. The business grew from a hobby into a successful bee equipment supply company and bee education center. The unfortunate passing of Herb in April 2015 not only marked a period of great sadness for Eversweet and the beekeeping community but it was a changing of the guards for beekeepers and Eversweet. Ed, who was 80 years old at the time, was able to retire and enjoy more time with his family and Jennifer King, Herb’s daughter, took over the reins of Eversweet.

Herb was always very generous with his beekeeping advice and knowledge and he passed along his wisdom to countless beekeepers. Herb and Jennifer started Eversweet’s Beekeeping Guide and Jennifer continues to add new chapters. Jennifer was fortunate enough to have Herb as her personal “Bee Bible” and mentor. Under Herb’s tutelage, she gained valuable beekeeping knowledge and continues Herb’s legacy of bee education. Jennifer is available to speak to your club or organization about many honeybee and beekeeping topics. Contact us for details!

Eversweet stocks a complete line of bee equipment including necessary tools, clothing, and all hive parts. We are the oldest, most trusted bee supply business in the area. Eversweet is centrally located in the tristate area making it very accessible and convenient for beekeepers in West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. Our Hygienic Italian, Carniolan, and Saskatraz queen supply from Olivarez Honey Bees, Inc. from April to September has provided an invaluable service to beekeepers in this region. In addition to the Olivarez queens we receive, we also supply Ferguson’s Buckfast queens from Canada.

During the year, Eversweet holds numerous free workshops and field days for beekeepers throughout the region. These workshops and field days provide novice and experienced beekeepers alike the opportunity to advance their skills. Experienced beekeepers are regularly present at the workshops to provide assistance and answer questions. Eversweet has successfully mentored and tutored hundreds of beekeepers since 2002.

Every attempt is made to supply only high quality products. Eversweet’s primary goal is to have happy customers AND successful beekeepers!



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