Emergency Feed – Sugar Slurry

The Dangers of Feeding Off-Spec Syrups to Your Bees

Emergency Feed – Sugar Slurry

The Dangers of Feeding Off-Spec Syrups to Your Bees
June Beekeeping Tasks

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Today is June 2, 2023, and we are currently experiencing lack of rain and possible nectar dearths. Monitor your colonies’ nectar intake and feed 1:1 sugar water if necessary. Nectar or sugar water is essential for bees to raise brood. Refer to “Wet/Dry Brood” topics.
Continue swarm management.
Make 5 frame nucs and 3 frame re-queening nucs if possible. It is advisable that each yard should have one 5 frame nuc for every 5 to 7 colonies for backup in case of hive failures.
Re-queening nucs are used for hives that have problems in accepting new queens for one reason or another. These might include Parasitic Mite Syndrome (PMS), European Foul Brood, chalkbrood, or other problems where a new young hygienic queen and new bees are needed. Re-queening nucs are also used to replace queens in hives that have an aggressive temperament and in hives that have laying workers. For introduction to established hives, use the newspaper method for all types of nucs.
Continue the feeding program on young hives, monitor established hives for a possible feeding program.
Install entrance reducers on weaker hives to prevent robbing.
Continue monitoring for varroa mites and medicate if necessary.
For more honeybee management information, download our free Beekeeping Guide: https://eversweetapiaries.com/education/beekeeping-guide/