ShippingPackage Purchase Agrmt. Nuc Purchase Agreement Nuc Purchase AgreementPlease fill this form out completely, accept the terms checkbox, and sign. Your nuc order can not be processed without completing this purchase agreement.First NameField is required!Please enter your first name.Last NameField is required!Please enter your last name.Email AddressField is required!Please enter your email address.Phone NumberInvalid phone numberPlease enter your phone number.I agree to the Nuc Purchase Agreement Terms & Conditions below.Field is required!Please check the Terms & Conditions box.NUC PURCHASE AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Eversweet Apiaries guarantees an alive, laying queen in nuc(s). Please verify immediately a queen and eggs are present and notify us to correct this issue if they are absent. The customer has one week after the pick-up date to make this verification and contact us. The customer has one week to express concerns regarding your nuc(s), whereas Eversweet Apiaries will attempt to satisfy your concerns. Eversweet is not responsible for the maintenance, longevity, or prosperity of the nuc after it is released to customers. The care you give or not give to your nuc is directly related to the health and prosperity of that colony. It is the customer’s responsibility to have the knowledge to care for the nuc. Eversweet does not guarantee the queens’ longevity, productivity, quality, traits, or egg laying capabilities. Eversweet strives to release nucs to customers that have strong population build-up and all stages of brood, however, these goals depend on weather variables. Sometimes nucs can not be released at estimated times and require more time for population build-up. If you want your nuc before we believe they should be released, you are accepting the nuc as is. Honey frames are not always available due to weather and foraging capabilities and a sugar water feeder can be substituted for a honey frame. All sales are final. Refunds are not available. Returns are not accepted. By purchasing, you consent to the above terms and conditions. Terms & ConditionsField is required!Field is required!Digital Signature Here:Sign with mouse or stylus. Click trash can to start over if not satisfied with signature.Field is required!Please sign Nuc Purchase Agreement Terms & Conditions.Submit Share0