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Eversweet Apiaries
Group of dead bees, isolated on white

Modern Beekeeping – A Definition of Insanity

The Winter Cluster

The Winter Cluster

snow hives

December Beekeeping Tasks

October – November Beekeeping Tasks

October – November Beekeeping Tasks

September Tasks

September Tasks

Jul.-Aug. Beekeeping Tasks

Jul.-Aug. Beekeeping Tasks

April Beekeeping Tasks

April Beekeeping Tasks

Making Queens from Overwintered Colonies in Early Spring

Making Queens from Overwintered Colonies in Early Spring

March Beekeeping Tasks

March Beekeeping Tasks

snow hives

January-February Beekeeping Tasks

Sugar donations are needed for FWBVBA bees!

Did You Know? 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 Beekeepers usually have to feed their bees sugar water during the summer and when nectar isn’t available. Colonies can consume a gallon of sugar water a day! That’s about eight pounds of sugar a day! The Frank W. Buckles Veteran Beekeepers Association members are in need of granulated cane sugar for their bees. Any sugar quantity (e.g., 4 lbs. and up) donations are gladly accepted and appreciated! Sugar drop off can be made at Eversweet Apiaries, 85 Everhart Drive, Kearneysville, WV. You can leave the sugar inside the honey lobby which is open 24/7/365. Thank you!

2024 Beekeeping Guide Now Available!

We are excited to announce the latest edition of Eversweet Apiaries' “2024 Beekeeping Guide”! This free guide is a valuable source for beekeeping info in the West Virginia tri-state area. Many topics can be applied to other regions as well.

Eversweet’s Beekeeper Courses & Classes are now available online! Now you can learn about bees wherever & whenever! Our self paced courses and classes cover many beekeeping topics!


Eversweet Apiaries is the area leader in honeybee education and is backed by our 20+ years of beekeeping experience. We are the oldest and most trusted supplier in the area. We stand behind our products 100% and your satisfaction is our #1 goal! We want you to be happy and successful beekeepers!

FREE Online Class! Intro to Honey, Honeybees, & Beekeeping

More than an hour and a half of FREE honey, honeybee, & beekeeping education with questions & answers! Enjoy!

Learn how to do mite counts!


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